Cities in an Urban Age

Led by: Ricky Burdett & Tony Travers

This introductory course, delivered in Session 1 provides an intensive exploration of the global urbanisation and the state of cities. The course introduces different stages of urban development in cities and regions across the world. It provides participants with an understanding of the key challenges facing both mature and rapidly developing metropolitan areas.

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Cities and Society: Design and Social Cohesion

Led by: Ricky Burdett

This course delivered across sessions 2, 3 & 4 looks at some of the major drivers of urban inequality and poverty and the key actions that cities are taking to reduce urban inequalities through urban design, infrastructure and policy. This is a heavily applied course providing students with tools to analyse the socio-demographic profile of households and neighbourhoods and their relation to spatial distribution and clustering in cities of the developing and developed world.

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Cities and the Economy: Urban economic development and finance

Led by: Savvas Verdis

This is an applied course looking at how cities position themselves in a competitive global economy and on the role of city government and firms in driving local economic development. The course, delivered in sessions 2,3 and 4, introduces key methodologies to measure and analyse the city economy as well as policies and tools available to attract investment and finance as well as improve growth and competitiveness. The course uses case-based challenges, futures and foresight techniques to put economic strategies to the test. See the latest Case on London’s Royal Docks

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Cities and the Environment: urban environmental transitions

Led by: Philipp Rode

This course explores critical aspects of environmental sustainability in relation to both urbanisation globally and urban change in individual cities. The applied components of the course give students the relevant tools to measure, analyse and assess environmental impact and develop environmental strategies. It introduces debates on different green city paradigms and focuses specifically on approaches to urban climate change mitigation and adaptation. The course further examines implications for urban planning, governance and management.

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Urban Consultancy Project

Led by: Ricky Burdett, Philipp Rode,Tony Travers & Savvas Verdis

This is a six-month individual consultation undertaken by a student in their own organisation. Through the consultancy project, participants will apply the knowledge and skills acquired in the first six courses of the programme to craft policy or programme improvements for public or private agencies and non-profit organisations. Through in-depth interviews with the organisation’s leaders as well as the relevant stakeholders, students will focus on a specific project and offer advice on one or more of its design and implementation phases

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Urban Infrastructure and strategic planning

Led by: Philipp Rode & Tony Travers

This is a workshop based course hosted by a London based organisation providing practical insights on infrastructure development and strategic planning for cities. The course combines a series of lectures with studio-based group work on a case study project set by the host organisation. Participants are introduced to all key components of urban infrastructure, cutting across transport, energy, water, waste and digital network systems.

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Urban development and Masterplanning

Led by: Ricky Burdett & Savvas Verdis

This is an applied group project based on a major London regeneration site. Groups of no more than six students will be introduced to one of the regeneration sites project teams which will include: local planning officers, developers, planners, designers and financing teams. The groups will first immerse themselves in the offices of the host organisation as well as the site and understand some of the project challenges. The groups will then work in a collaborative environment in order to develop solutions to the challenges set by the project teams.

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